Craigslist has made me a celebrity...not really, but sort of! Due to our big move, I have been giving away for free and selling TONS of stuff on craigslist.com. The local newspaper was doing an article about craigslist. The reporter saw some of my stuff posted on craigslist. The free shoes that I gave away, Aaron's shoes, especially drew his attention. (Yes, I too was shocked that Aaron was parting with some of his precious shoes. For those of you who don't know, Aaron has a shoe feddish.) The reporter sent me an email and asked if he could interview me about craigslist. The more we talked about all that I have sold and given away for free the more interested he became.
We have been cleaning out our garage, basement, and closets. So.....when we have something to give away for free, I sit it on my front steps and post it. The things are usually gone with in a couple of hours. Some things have been gone in a matter of minutes!!! Seriously! If you have something to get rid of this is the way to go. It is great. We put our kids' swingset on the list because we do not want to move it with us. It was out of my yard about 3 hours later! We have given away a chair, dresser, baby cradle, baby mattress, tons of toys, tricycle with one missing wheel, shoes, and much more. All of these things were gone within hours. We have also sold lots of things that we do not want to take with us. We have made a few hundred dollars!!! We put it towards our kids' school bill. Craigslist is like an online garage sale without all of the work. It is like a local ebay without the hassell of shipping. It is a completely free online classified ad. It is wonderful! Try it out. By the way, we even put our house for sale on craigslist. That is where two of the people looking at the house came from.
Back to the reporter.... when I told him that we even put the house on craigslist, he couldn't believe it. Anyway a simple interview about craigslist then became a human interest story. They are doing a full article on Rachel Smith, homemaker clearing out her house and even selling her house on craigslist for a move to Alabama. The photographer came today in between our showings to come and take a picture of Aaron and I. They are running the story in the paper on Monday.
We have been wanting to list our house for sale in this newspaper, but haven't been able to do it yet. We already have paid to have it listed in three others. God has worked it out for us! It is being listed with a picture and a full article!!
Praise the Lord! he DOES work in mysterious ways doesn't he!?
Wow, I am sure the house will be sold soon then!!! God sure is wonderful and works in such ways.
I was wondering about your kids with the move. How are they taking it? Did you find a school for them already? We will be praying for you in this time and looking forward hearing how everything goes. Many blessings to you at this time
Hello Rachel,
Thank you for the comment on my blog and for the opportunity to write for the Monday Ministry Highlights. Feel free to e-mail me at: lvbcbluebear [at] hotmail [dot] com. I'll be praying for you and your family as you make this move!
How odd! I am sure all of that has been quite interesting! Happy packing=)
Amazing! Praying for you guys!
That's almost funny! Maybe the perfect buyer for your house will see the article. :)
Hi Rachel, So very nice to meet you. I'm tremendously honored to write for the blog. Blessings ~ Cathryn
Hi Rachel!
Hey, the Lord is really making things happen. It is amazing isn't it? Remember when the disciples got the money to pay the taxes out of the mouth of a fish? Oh, and it is so funny to learn that your husband is crazy about shoes, so is mine! LOL Hugs, Becky
Hi Rachel, Cathryn again. I'm reading more on your blog and "getting to know you better." It made me smile to read how you listed your house. I didn't even know this Craig's List existed until I read your post. So very interesting. Lord Bless, Cathryn
I love,love, LOVE craigslist! We have bought and sold so much on that website and even bartered with no money exchanged. Rachel, I will write for the blog, just tell me when and give more details on this move of yours!!
K. Blasi
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