Boy!! Have we been getting the rain down here!! It has rained hard for many long days and nights during the past two weeks down here in South Alabama or LA (lower Alabama) as the locals say. It is some serious tropical storm rain with some major winds. The road signs across the street from us are completely out of the ground and gone. This rain makes the rain we got in Indiana look wimpy. It is not time to build an ark yet, but we may need a small boat. Our yard and driveway are covered with standing water. We have a detour taking the kids to school because of the roads being washed out. We don't like the rain right now, but I am sure that it is a blessing. The rivers and ponds were really low. The bay was also getting down to really low levels. This rain should fill them back up and then some.
We have been doing some more work on our church website. I actually linked blogs to our ministries and photo gallery. We are able to be more creative and add more pictures that way. http://www.crossroadsbaptistmobile.com/
We had our opening night of King's Kids Club last night. It went as well as it possibly could for the first night. Most of the kids really liked the competition part. Those that didn't made it clear that they didn't like the work. Chloe was the first one to finish a memory goal card!! Yeah! She loves it! Abbie did also. She almost has hers memorized! Asher needs a little more work, but he is only 4.
Now, that we have gotten the King's Kids going. I am on to completing my next church project: my first ladies meeting here at our new church. It is next Tuesday. I have to do some more studying and get a couple of more things organized. I will do the decorations Monday. Then the final touches Tuesday. Many ladies are excited and planning to attend. I am looking forward to it.
Well, I hope the rain lets up or you certainly will need a boat. So glad the King's Club went well. I will say a prayer for your ladies meeting.
Thank you for making me feel better about the snowbanks in my yard....we won't be needing a boat for a week or so yat! LOL
My husband directs the Master Club at our church and he keeps giving the kids special rewards for saying more verses...next week he is buying them all pizza for quoting over 400 verses in one night....we have less than 30 kids, ages 3-13 so that's pretty amazing!
I just checked your church's web page, it is so nice and professional looking. Also I love the idea of linking blogs to it, it makes her easier to add things... really nice idea.
I saw your church supports the Lovedays in Spain. I meet them long ago, shorty after I got saved. They are great people and are doing great things as missionaries for the Lord. Them and the Loveday's parents (also missionaries in Spain)are supper special for me. So it was super cool to see you guys support them :)
I like the website... can you all give us any pointers on getting a website together. We have a link, but no website. How do you even download stuff on there? Can you give any advice????? I could work on it.. if I knew how??
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