Outside My Window...beautiful fall colors on all of the trees, leaves piled on the ground for the kids to jump in, and a cloudy sky that will soon be bringing us rain and more cold weather
I am thinking...I have a lot that I need to get accomplished today
I am thankful for...a happy, cheerful baby. He is a joy to spend the day with. He is so easy to please.
From the kitchen...a dishwasher waiting to be started, waffles for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, cheesey chicken soup for dinner
I am wearing...my pajamas
I am creating...a list of movies for my husband to get for me (I am having my 2nd surgery on my mommy parts this Wednesday, so I will be on the couch for several days.)
I am going...to the doctor today for my last pre-op visit, to the hospital for pre-op blood work, to the mall to get Justus' picture taken and try to find a decent church dress for Chloe (appropriate little girl dresses are really becoming difficult to find now that Chloe has entered the girls size 7 and above section), and to pick up the kids from school
I am reading...Romans
I am hoping...that I can get everything done that I want to before my surgery
Around the house...cleaning everything so it doesn't get too badly backed up while I am having to recover, last time I tried to do too much too soon Yes, Aaron will help, but he will have his hands full with the kids, dinner, and his own responsibilities.
One of my favorite things...holiday movies, especially the older ones: Holiday Inn, White Christmas, Christmas in Connecticut, Miracle on 34th Street, etc. I plan to watch a lot of those this week.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...VOTING NO TO OBAMA TOMORROW, surgery and recovery
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
This is another oldie but goodie. It is also another one of the girls in the first big snow (no, not this year, at least not yet). They were making snow angels.

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