I had my surgery yesterday. All went well. Thank you for the prayers.
I am feeling a little bit better the day after than I did last time, afterall I am typing a post. I am sitting on a pillow to do it, but at least I can hold my head up without feeling like I am going to fall over. I have some much better medicine this time too. It gives me about three hours of feeling alright, and then about an hour of pain waiting until I can take it again. Still much better than last time! I went for days without any decent relief before I finally gave in and called the doctor for a better medicine.
The doctor did another DNC yesterday as well. She felt it was needed. Then she did the procedure I was there for. I am going to feel like a bit of an alien for the next few days as my body purges everything, but I pray after all is said and done I am finished with these difficulties I have had since my teen years.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
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I'm glad to hear it went well! Hope you have a quick recovery.
Praise the Lord! Glad to hear you are doing better than you did in your last surgery and hope the recovery is fast, daddy may be great but there is nothing like mommy :)
I am so happy you are doing fine. I prayed for you all day yesterday. I know you are so relieved that it is finally taken care of!
Just saying "Hi" back. Thanks for stopping by my site. Your blog is adorable. Love the design. I am a pastor's wife in Indianapolis too. I hope your surgery went well. Recovery with kids can be tricky. Stop by anytime!
Hey girl! Glad to hear that things went well. Hope you feel better soon. I can't stand not being able to get up and do something when I need to! Glad to know that things will be easier for you after the next few weeks....I've been considering having the same thing done for the same reasons...just wanted to see about more kids first. I HATE the problems in the meantime! Now that I've hit 35, I'll problably discuss it again at my next appt. I'm high risk anyway, now that 35 is here that's 2 marks against me as far as another pregnancy goes. Anyway-talk more later!
Have fun watching your movies :^)
Love ya!
Mobile would be great! You'd be closer to your whole family then wouldn't you? How far away from your folks are you? I know it takes us about 5 hours to get to the coast from here, less to Mobile, but not by much. I'll add that to my prayer list. I wish you all God's best. Knowing that your trust in Him is as strong as it is, you know you'll make the right decision and He will continue to lead and guide you all. I love you bunches!!! Hope to maybe SEE you soon! :^)
Glad all went well... will be praying for a quick, less-painful recovery this time..
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