Outside My Window...It is officially here! It has snowed several times already, but today we woke up with a blanket of snow on all of the roof tops and on the ground. We are suppose to have snow falling today and tomorrow. It is so beautiful!
I am thinking...I am excited for the upcoming week and holiday!
I am thankful for...for the rest that I have been able to get, even though it had to come with the illnesses. I am feeling better today. My fever is gone. I am barely hurting.
From the kitchen...dishes to be washed breakfast- waffles, lunch- sandwiches, dinner- roast
I am wearing...butterfly pj's
I am creating...plans for Abbie's birthday
I am reading...nothing other than my Bible
I am hearing...music from the blog
I am hoping...that I can get a few things accomplished today and still feel good afterwards
Around the house...Laundry
One of my favorite things...peppermint bark candy- the kind that has dark and white chocolate with peppermint chunks on top. It is expensive, but well worth it. Plus, it only is around at holiday time, so I splurge once a year.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...more resting for recovery (I can't do too much too soon, even though I want to jump right back in.), on Wednesday I start baby sitting a beautiful 8 week old baby girl, mid week service at church, preparing the church for our Thanksgiving dinner and services
Here is a picture thought I am sharing...
Abbie will be turning 6 on the 25th, so I am sharing a picture of her. This was her birthday last year. She had fun sitting on the vent and watching her dress puff up. 

Click here to read daybooks of other ladies.
SOOO glad you are beginning to feel better!! love the pic of Abby, i remember doing that as a girl :)
Glad you are feeling better:)
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