We have been working with a real estate agent down there since our visit over Thanksgiving. We met with her then and looked at a few homes. She has worked so hard for us. She has gone into each home herself and checked it out, since I have not been able to. This weekend she found a rental home listed in the newspaper that she thought would be perfect. She checked it out and it is!!! It is a 2100 sqare foot 4 bedroom home with a garage. We have been hoping and praying for 4 bedrooms, so that we could give the girls each their own. The garage is an added blessing. I have been worried about storage space. Most of the homes in the area do not have garages because the weather does not require one. Also I have always wanted to live in a yellow house. They just look cheery. When we painted our home this past summer, I wanted to paint it yellow. We chose not to because the house right next to us is yellow. This home is just another reminder from God that He does care for us personally. He cares about our needs and our wants.
Another blessing is that this home also does not require an arm and a leg deposit. The last home that I really like required $2500 just in deposits and application fees. Wow! I have been overwhelmed with the costs. This one is affordable.
Wow, God is definitely good, isn't He? :o)
Hey Rachel,
I felt lead to pray for you & Aaron today. I had no idea that you were moving. I checked my blog and saw that you had recently posted so I came by and read all your news. Wow! Now I know why the Lord lead me to pray for you. It is sad to say goodbye, but I am sure that the Lord has great plans in store for all. I am blessed to read how the Lord has provided a house for you. He is so good to us isn't He?
Cute house! I love yellow! So glad you have found a place! Yea!
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