When a new year comes, we all think about starting things over, doing things differently, or a new year's resolution. The new year is a time of starting fresh, a time of getting a clean slate to work with. The Lord is doing this with our family and ministry.
We have been serving the Lord here at Temple Baptist Church for 5 1/2 years. The Lord has used us and done many wonderful things here during our time. The attendance has increased and others have become more faithful. We have been able to really grow the Sunday School ministry. We have noticed lately that most of our Sunday morning attenders now come to Sunday School also. On a regular basis we have less than 10 who only come for the worship service. Praise the Lord! We have been able to buy a van and begin a van route. We have been able to build a new building. I could go on and on about all of the many amazing things that the Lord has allowed us to be a part of here. We have grown and learned a great deal spiritually. However, the Lord is now moving us on. Aaron is the new pastor at Crossroads Baptist in Mobile, Alabama. Our last Sunday here will be January 25th. We announced this to our church here yesterday. This was a hard task to do.
I often say God's will is not just looking forward and saying what is God's will for my life. If you want God's will for your life, it begins moment by moment. If you are doing what God wants you to do right now at this moment, you will be able to look back and say I did God's will for my life, because you made the right decisions moment by moment and day by day. God's will is not just long term; it is right now. What you do with your time, what you say with your words, what you think in your mind are all part of doing God's will for your life.
I said all of this to say God has made it very clear to us that this is His will. We followed through the doors that He opened for us, and this is the direction He has led us. We have such a peace about this decision that words can't even describe. We just know that we are following the Lord. We know that staying here at our current church would be disobedient. We have come to the realization that if this is God's will for us, this is God's will for Temple Baptist Church. We are excited about what God has in store for us.
We would appreciate your prayers for us during this transition time--prayers for us and our new church, Crossroads Baptist and prayers for Temple Baptist as they begin the pastor search process.
We also have a special prayer request regarding our housing situation. We are going to rent a home in Alabama. However, we have not settled on one yet. It is very hard for me to pick a home to live in that I can't see in person. Money is going to be an issue also. The upfront costs of moving into a rental can get quite pricey. Pray that we will find the house that the Lord has for us quickly. We only have a few weeks. Pray that I will know which one it is that He has for us. Another enormous burden we have is our home here in Indiana. The housing market being what it is and our little town being a town people are moving out of rather than into makes selling our home right now difficult. We know that God is moving us and will take care of us, however the financial burden of renting a home in AL and having a mortgage here on a pastor's salary is going to be heavy. We are praying that we will be able to rent our home to a good family that will take care of it or that it will sell quickly. It is not impossible that it will sell. Our God makes all things possible. The sell of our home would be a huge burden lifted!!! We really do covet your prayers in this area.
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Quite a change...I know you will be a blessing. How exciting! I am sure you have mixed emotions.
I just had a chance (now that Christmas is over) to respond to your note about Sabrina's bow, I did make it--the bow in fifteen how to videos.
I am still learning it, it is tricky for my fingers. She makes it look simple. It is actually two of those bows (one large, one smaller) with 3 5.5" ribbons in between them. I don't think you will have time to make it anytime soon, however--packing is quite a job=) There are also pictures of these bows--so many bows so little time--perky loops--if you prefer pics=)
Anyway, sorry it took me so long! Good luck packing=)
Oh Rachel... praying for you! So excited to see what the Lord will do! I know that He will come through on the housing, just like us.... just keep trusting and praying.
When we first moved to Alberta, we also moved into a house-sight unseen. The Lord made it VERY clear that this was the place we were supposed to rent. Prices were very high(rent $1800), and the landlord rented it to us for $1450! When we arrived, it was more than I could have asked for... and it was fun to see it for the first time. Keeping you in our prayers...Kristy
We went through this same thing earlier this year. We could see the Lord through each step of the way, but in my flesh it was still hard to leave folks that we loved. Praying for you as you make this transition. :)
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