We are home from our Thanksgiving trip. We had a wonderful time. We spent Wednesday afternoon through Friday morning at my parent's house in Dandridge, TN. For Thanksgiving Day Mama cooked a huge and super delicious meal. We spent Thanksgiving day with Mama and Daddy; Bo, Amanda, Hunter, and LeeAnn; Granny and Papaw; and Ronnie and Donna (a couple from Mom and Dad's church). That morning Mama, Granny, and I did the last minute things for the meal. We ate a little after 12:00. After lunch the kids all played and rode horses with Papa. Aaron and Bo watched some of the football game and slept. Then we woke them up, and we adults played a game of dominoes. Aaron and I had never played before. It was fun. We will probably be buying a set for ourselves very soon. After dominoes we ate leftovers from lunch. The leftovers that night are my favorite part about the meal! I love to make a turkey sandwich on a yeast roll. The time at Mom and Dad's was too short, and I didn't get to stay long enough for more leftovers. Friday morning we had to leave and head for Mobile, Alabama, because Aaron was preaching at a church there on Sunday.
After a long day of driving and riding in the van, we arrived in Mobile Friday night. The temperature was 72 degrees there. We really enjoyed the break from the cold. Saturday morning we drove around and looked at the town for a little while. Then we went to the church for a lunch meeting. That night the church had a carry in dinner that we attended. Aaron preached Sunday morning and evening. Monday we headed to Birmingham to visit my family that lives there.
Monday evening Aunt Gloria fixed a delicious southern meal for us. I love butter beans and cornbread in the cast iron skillet! We got to see family that we hadn't seen since Asher was 6 months old. That was the last time I had been to Birmingham. Aaron hadn't been since our first year of marriage. The kids got to play with more cousins. We were so glad that we got to visit.
Yesterday we headed back home. We pulled into our driveway covered with snow last night about 7:00.
I took lots of pictures, but for some reason they won't all load to my computer. Aaron will have to figure it out for me later and I will put them on the blog. For now the pics below are all that I have to share. We spent a lot of time in the van, so these are all from the riding. Tuesday night and Wednesday we drove 430 miles to TN. Friday we drove 555 miles to Mobile. Monday we drove 250 miles to Birmingham. Yesterday we drove 580 miles back home.
Aaron- he rarely lets me take a normal picture of him.

Me- I am looking rough after all of the riding.

Chloe- She looks really sweet here, but she probably just finished annoying Abigail. Isn't that what sisters and long car rides are for?

Abigail- She was really getting sick of being stuck in the van. She was very good most of the time. The last day was not so good though.

Asher- He slept a lot of the trip.

Justus- He is trying to take his shoes and socks off. He loves to be bare footed.
Other pics to come soon!
glad you had a good trip :) that cornbread sounds good, a cast-iron skillet is the ONLY way to make it :D at least, that's what John thinks!! Don't worry about not calling - john ended up being a little late and not feeling well to boot - so it worked out all around (except John still doesnt feel well) -
cute pics of the kids in the van :D not sure i would brave it right now with mine
Glad you have a nice trip, you have a lovely family!
BTW, the Elf videos are too funny!!!
Glad you had a great Thanksgiving and survived the "Road Trip" --it is always exciting...
Hey - looks like you all are doing well! I like your Christmas background. We have been praying for your decision. Thanks for keeping in touch! Love, Anna
Hey! I'm so glad you are home! Road trips are hard....but not as hard as when they were all little. I missed you so much over Thanksgiving! We had a good time, but was sad about Chris and Ben leaving in a couple of weeks. I'm praying for you and Aaron!
Hi Rachel! Your blog is beautiful, as is your family! Maybe we will be able to meet one of these days! :)
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog the other day. It is so easy to get frustrated by pple who choose to stay blinded by the truth!!
Hey! It was great to see all of you. Maybe it won't be so long before our next visit. The kids loved playing together! Glad you had a safe trip home. Talk to you again soon! Love ya!
Oh yeah-Aunt Cy's cornbread IS the best!:^ ) She has specific cast iron pas that she uses for nothing but her cornbread! YUMMMMMY!
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