Preparations in the room before the play...
They are anxiously awaiting their turn to line up...
They are anxiously awaiting their turn to line up...
Asher (in the red vest) with his preschool buddies.

She has such an important part that she plans to play that no one knows about!
And now presenting....

Asher Forrest Smith- Preschool-choir

Chloe Irene Smith- 2nd grade- choir and playing the baby sister, Kelly

(1st-12th). She was casted as the 5 year old baby sister, mostly due to her small size, but she didn't miss a single line. She also did an excellent job speaking up where everyone could hear her.
Quiet, Please! The show is about to start!

Joy to the World and Merry Christmas!
The End
Thank You for Coming.
During the show sometimes Justus watched intently. 
And other times he did not. Here he is eating his fruit snacks.

Afterwards we all gathered in the classrooms and fellowship hall to look at the kids artwork and enjoy cookies and milk. --- By the way, I had the absolute best cookies. They were chocolate with peppermint patties in them. I am going to search for a recipe. Does anyone have one?

And other times he did not. Here he is eating his fruit snacks.

Afterwards we all gathered in the classrooms and fellowship hall to look at the kids artwork and enjoy cookies and milk. --- By the way, I had the absolute best cookies. They were chocolate with peppermint patties in them. I am going to search for a recipe. Does anyone have one?
Here is the gingerbread house that Asher's class made. Very cute!!! The kids and I usually attempt to make one of these during the Christmas break. Ours doesn't quite turn out like this though.

After a long night of being the mother of such stars, I am glad to be home in my favorite sweatshirt and pj's.

Good Night!
Cute post!
Merry Christmas!
I enjoyed seeing all the cute children in their play! Would love to hear "the girl in the red bow" sing! :D
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