Finally, some pics from Vacation Bible School! We had VBS the second week in July. As some of you know, due to some differences and changes that had to be made our VBS director dropped out on us the Wednesday before VBS. Aaron and I were determined to not let Satan get the best of us. It was all for the best. We all pulled together. Our church people stood behind us and helped us out tremendously. It was short noticed, but with the Lord's help we did it! God blessed, and we had a great VBS! Praise the Lord, seven little souls were saved. We had 63 kids in attendance.
We had a bayou/swamp theme.

Rally Time

The kids earned tickets for attendance, bringing their Bibles, memory verses, visitors, etc..... Then if their number was called they got to pick a prize from the table.

The girls won the weighted offering. Yes, Aaron wore these waders every night. He even preached in them the Sunday a.m. before in order to promote VBS.

Pharoah stopped in for a few visits during the week. Most of the lessons had to do with Moses leading God's people out of Egypt.

Perfect Attendance

Most Bible Memory Verses

Top Prize Winners
1 comment:
The Lord is so good! It looks like the kids had a great time.
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