Happy Birthday Aaron. He turned 31 today. (Yeah-I know- the picture of me to the left looks pretty rough. I look super tired and my hair is crazy. What is that poof thing up there? Aaron looks cute though) Last night we celebrated with a few friends and their kids. We had a good time of fellowship, food, and fun. We ate Aaron's favorite meal, mexican food- tacos, burritos, and nachos with queso dip. We had ice cream cake for dessert. Instead of putting the traditional Happy Birthday on his cake, I put Congrats Karma #1 in the FF League. Hyles Karma is the name of his team in the fantasy football league. His league is the preacher boy league. Yes, it includes preachers- mostly all pastors or youth pastors in our area. It is a long story on why he picked that name. Anyway, he was #1 in the league this week, so I knew he and the others would get a kick out of that being on the cake. Doug Keppell was at the party last night. He and Aaron play against each other this week, so I thought I would rub it in a little for him too. The kids played with each other and entertained themselves. We did make an attempt at getting them all to lay down to watch a movie, but that didn't last very long. We adults played a game of Balderdash. The girls beat the boys!! Brittain Johnson had the most points overall. I came in second. We had a wonderful time! Now, I am looking forward to going to Emily's mafia party and looking forward to hosting our fall party! Who knows- maybe I am glad to have these activities more than the others. Remember though-- I mostly have conversations with children and play games with children. I may be starving for some meaningful adult times. If so, that's okay!
Our plans to go with our neighbors to the park were cancelled today due to the rain. Still pray for us and our relationship and witness to them.
Look below for pics of last night. I have some cute ones of the kids.
Such good days=)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hey, we enjoy keeping up with you through your blog. Yeah, I know! I haven't done so well. We are so busy and then I forget to take pictures - and what is a blog without pictures?! Anyway, I promise I will update soon! Your family is so precious! How is school going? Are you teaching?
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