Outside My Window...The sun is peeking out behind the clouds. I love the fall mornings!
I am thinking...I have found tons of helpful Christian woman sites and blogs this morning.
I am thankful for...the beautiful weather we are having--I am so thankful that it is fall! It is my FAVORITE season. I love all of the colors and the crispness in the air. It is so nice to be outside during this time.
From the kitchen...sounds of the dishwasher - cold cereal for breakfast, soup for lunch, and probably manwich for dinner -I need to go the grocery store
I am wearing... navy blue Nike shirt and khaki culottes
I am creating...the feeling of fall around the house, birthday stuff for Justus' party
I am going...to pick the girls up from school this afternoon
I am reading...the KJV Bible, How to Raise a Gentleman by Kay West, Boys and Girls Who Became Great Missionaries by John Mueller
I am hoping...to get a lot accomplished around the house today
I am hearing...the boys playing
Around the house...LAUNDRY-- I am behind due to my surgery and pain afterwards
One of my favorite things...I'll repeat again---The Fall Season
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... take Chloe to piano lessons, go grocery shopping, 1st home volleyball game -Tuesday, the boys have a doctors appointment and attend church -Wednesday, Teen Youth Rally - Friday, Justus' birthday party -Saturday, Church Fall bonfire service and hayride -Sunday night
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
BOYS WILL BE BOYS-- I was working outside, and they kept making faces at me through the screen door. I couldn't believe even little Justus got involved. The shirtless boy is our neighbor, Cameron. He comes over to play pretty much every day.

Wow! It sounds like you've had a great morning! I am so excited to check out your new finds! I have to go to the grocery store today also. it is the weekly shopping trip (with all the kids in tow). Thanks for being one best friends!
You house looks so nice for fall. I just love to decorate for the seasons. When I got to my new house, the pumpkins were the first things out, to decorate the mantel.
Happy Birthday Justus! Neat-he and Emma have the same b'day. He is so cute!
This is cute! Love your blog and I have loved getting to know you better=)
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