$5 shipping on all orders right now, and there are online sale prices that are not available in the store yet.
For the girls- We like pretty much everything they have. It was hard to choose. I bought Abbie the orange/white striped dress and Chloe the turquoise/white striped dress. They were on sale for $18. I like both of the following dresses. I LOVE the shoes! I couldn't really pick which of the dresses were my favorite. I like the first dress b/c of the smocking on top. I like the second one b/c the pattern is made out of ribbon. I think the second one might be my favorite b/c it looks like it might go better with the shoes. Children's place dress sizing is different. A 6x is also a 7. So... we tried them on. Abbie- 6x/7 Chloe- sometimes 6x/7 sometimes 8. I bought her the 8 in the stripes. It was just a little bit too roomy, but not enough to look sloppy. Shoe sizes 12 and 13.

For the boys- Again, we like pretty much everything they have. I bought the boys the orange and turquoise sweater vest to match the girls dresses. They do have a black and white sweater vest with a black and white shirt that matches the dresses above, but it has a two pink argyles on one side under the arm. I think it is okay, but I don't know what Aaron will think. They have all of these in 4t and 18mos. (sweater vest for Justus 12 mos.)

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