Today after our Sunday morning service we had a luncheon
fundraiser for
VBS. We are doing a
Cajun Bayou theme for VBS; Crocodile Doc is our VBS mascot. We served red beans and rice, jambalaya, mac-n-cheese, chicken nuggets, cornbread, mississippi mud cake, and dirt pudding with gummy worms. Our church folks gave donations to eat. All of the money raised will go towards VBS.

We had 92 people in the services today. I am not sure how many people stayed to eat. I do know that we set up 75 seats in the fellowship hall, and they were all taken. I had to open up the side Sunday school rooms for overflow.

These are some of the kids that we pick up on the van.

Our kiddos

Some of the kids playing in the gym after the luncheon.

King's Kids program officially starts this coming Wednesday. We are sooooo excited to get this program started. We have been working hard and long days to get everything prepared.
The King's Kids Award Wall: The kids will work towards earning badges, a t-shirt, ribbons, trophies, and several other things.

We have taken a hall way in the gym and made it to display all of the badges as the club members earn them. Soon it will be lined with ribbons and filled with badges.
Wow, what a blessing!
Oh Rachel, you and Aaron are doing such wonderful work! You totally are the virtuous woman. I am so happy to the Lord is blessing your ministry. It is wonderful to see people coming to Christ.
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