Remember a few posts ago I told you that I lived in Hattiesburg until just before my 16th birthday? Hattiesburg is only a couple of hours away from here. I am soooo excited!!! My old girlfriends and I are planning a day to get together. It has been 15 years since I last saw them. I have kept in touch with a few of them through the years, especially my two closest friends, Melissa and Tiffany. The three of us were pretty much inseperable from 6th grade to 10th grade. Well...........

I couldn't believe it!! Tiffany actually lives in the Mobile area!!! We hadn't talked in few years and then we found each other again through facebook. We met up today in a coffee shop. We first met each other in summer day camp when we were in 5th grade. It was wonderful to finally see her again. We enjoyed a few hours of getting to know each other again. It was like we picked up right where we left off. We lost track of time while we were chatting away sharing memories and details of our lives now. It was an amazing day!!! Thank you Lord for good friends.
Tiffany is working in a church down here with the children's ministry, and she is in nursing school preparing to be a medical missionary.
Oh Praise the Lord for Christian friends who are forever sisters! That is soo awesome! I am so happy for you!!
Wow! You close to PCC then! I would go to Mobile to the outlets when I was at PCC. hehe
Big Southern Hug to ya! ;)
Facebook is awesome isn't it?I found one of my best friends in high school there....if I only remember the other's last names... heheheh
WOW - that's great, Rachel.... ;)
Wow! That is super great! The Lord is so good! You guys looks so cute in the picture! I have recently found my best friend from when I was little on Facebook. We have gotten together several times, and they came to Liberty's birthday party. She lives 5 minutes from my mom and dad! I would have never imagined our kids playing together, but it happened!
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