Last night at church we had a ministry involvement fair in our gym. It is sort of like a job fair only it is for all of the different ministries of our church. We have ministry team leaders. They are to supervise and manage the area of ministry that they are given.We had a table set up and decorated for each ministry and the team leaders were at their tables. Each table also had sign up sheets. The members went around from table to table, looked at the displays, asked questions, gathered information, and volunteered for the areas that interested them. We had a table for everything from the nursery to maintenance to the kitchen to helping with baptisms. We also had tables of finger foods and chairs sat around in circles for the members to be able to leisurely walk around, eat, and mingle. This was our first time and our church's first time to do one of these. It was a huge success, and will become an annual event at our church. 

Aaron, of course, is over all of the team leaders. However, he did take the team leader role of the baptism ministry. The people who sign up for this ministry help lead people who are being baptised to the right areas to change, make sure we have towels, clean up the rooms afterwards, etc... This is really a behind the scenes ministry.
Aaron and I together are the team leaders for King's Kids, our Wednesday night kids Bible club.

I am the the team leader for the ladies ministries. This ministry includes everything from ladies' fellowship meetings to decorating the bulletin boards to secret sisters to meals for the sick to the food pantry.
After everyone had time to walk around the ministry involvement fair we had a youth auction in the fellowship hall. The junior high and high school kids were auctioned off to do work around the home of the highest bidder. The money raised goes towards their fees for camp. We won two boys. They will be weeding our flower beds, mowing, and trimming!

I am the the team leader for the ladies ministries. This ministry includes everything from ladies' fellowship meetings to decorating the bulletin boards to secret sisters to meals for the sick to the food pantry.

Glad to hear that the fair was a success. So glad you were able to attend. Hope your daughter is feeling much better.
What a great idea! You look great in your black and white:)
I wrote you this email, but it didn't go through... so here it is...
Hello Rachel!
How are thing down in LA? We are good here, just REALLY busy. I am going on my 4th straight week of company. Hopefully, we'll have one weekend break, and then New Testament Pioneers arrive to live with us until August. Wow! Colton and I only have about 2-3 weeks of school left, so we are working hard to press ahead and be done... what a good feeling:)
Anyways, I talked to Deborah over at KJV Blog, and asked her if I could drop to posting once every 2 months. I think this would be helpful to me. She told me to email you, and ask you to find someone to fill in. Sorry, I just can't figure out how to do it all. Please pray for me, as life seems a little overwhelming lately.
Busy times! Looks like a lot is going on there! You seem very happy in your new home and church, I am glad=)
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