sick and asleep on the couch. This was taken yesterday in between all of the throwing up. We did end up having to cancel our dinner guests again. I hope that they don't start to think that we don't want them over. We are rescheduling it again.
Justus plays a lot with Asher during the day while the girls are at school. Yesterday he found one of the girl's computers and played with it. He had no idea what to do, but he sure did try to figure it out.
We did make it to the birthday party today. The kids made cards and colored pictures for the birthday boy before we left.

When we got home I blew up the swimming pool tube again, so we could go swimming. It was very hot today. Aaron and I got in and tried to find where the hole was. We went over each part, but still could not find anything. However, as you can see by the deflated pool.... SOMETHING is wrong with this thing. This picture was taken about an hour after I filled it up. The tube won't stay full, therefore the water keeps getting out.

However, on the happier note....we can't believe that it is the first of May and we are swimming in the pool!! This would not be happening in Indiana. The water felt soooooo good. It was just right! So even though the pool was deflating as we were in it, it didn't stop us from having a good time while the water lasted.

When we got home I blew up the swimming pool tube again, so we could go swimming. It was very hot today. Aaron and I got in and tried to find where the hole was. We went over each part, but still could not find anything. However, as you can see by the deflated pool.... SOMETHING is wrong with this thing. This picture was taken about an hour after I filled it up. The tube won't stay full, therefore the water keeps getting out.

However, on the happier note....we can't believe that it is the first of May and we are swimming in the pool!! This would not be happening in Indiana. The water felt soooooo good. It was just right! So even though the pool was deflating as we were in it, it didn't stop us from having a good time while the water lasted.
My little one has been sick all weekend too. I had to stay home from church friday and this morning.. :( I think she is starting to feel better today. At least she is not requiring me to sit and hold her all day long (I loved it though-- no so much seeing her look super sick).
Can´t believe you have the swimming pool out already. I am really enjoying the warmer weather, I was so ready.
I bet you are loving the move :)
How fun is that! Great time in the pool! We have cold rainy weather again so when i saw that I said "where are they?" jeje
Anyway.. I am so looking forward to summer it´s not even funny.
Enjoy your little pool to the fullest! HOpe you find that hole.
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