We finally just had to say goodbye to our other pool. I never could get it fixed. Emily sent us a new one. YEAH!! So.... here is
I want to recommend this pool to anyone and everyone considering buying one but can't afford an expensive above ground pool. It is a million times better than the other blue bubble looking pool that we had. The kids really enjoyed the other one, and Aaron and I enjoyed it just to get in and cool off a little. This is one that Aaron and I too will be able to swim in. They are both made by the same company Intex. However, this is a little more expensive, but definitely worth it. This is a 15x48 round pool. It is available at several different big chain stores. It also comes with the ground cloth, the filter, the pool cover, a cleaning net and pole, the skimmer basket to catch leaves, and a pool vaccuum all for $299 at Wal-Mart. Really, if you are thinking about the other cheaper above ground pools....DON'T do it. Aaron and I bought two of those ourselves. We should have saved our money and just bought this one in the first place. It is going to last much longer. You will be much happier with the choice.
That pool looks so refreshing, I want to jump in right now. LOL Congrats and happy swimming!
That´s so awesome! What a huge blessing! and you all will have so much fun in it this Summer! Your kidos are gonna be little fishies! LOL
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