Like I have already said, I am trying to get back in the habit of regularly posting on my blog again. So... today I am just checking in and telling you the plans for the day.
YEAH!!! We are starting the week off with everyone well. I am doing the regular Monday household chores inside that have to be done after our fun-filled and busy weekends---- a quick pick-up and organizing of each room, vaccuum, and mostly laundry because I don't usually do any laundry on the weekends. It is amazing how much laundry a family of six can dirty over the weekend. Asher has speech therapy at 12:30 at the school.
Aaron and I have a parent/teacher conference with Abbie's teacher at 1:15. We have a couple of concerns to discuss with her and Abbie (Nothing that is a complaint about the teacher, but some behavior problems we are having with Abbie and think are happening at school as well). The thing is when we asked for the conference, the teacher sent a note back saying she was glad. She wanted to meet with us too, because she has something to discuss with us. UH! OH! ---could be good---could be bad. Abbie has all A's, so it is not a school work problem. She has gotten all smiley faces on her daily behavior chart except for one day, but.....

This afternoon I have got to get some things rolling for my ladies' meeting coming up in a few weeks. I have also started a ladies' area in one of our foyers at church. I have a bulletin board and a table set up. I am using this area to keep all of the ladies updated on the times, themes, and needs of upcoming ladies' events and ladies' ministries. I need to get a few more things done for that today as well.
I hope to get some weeding done tonight. It is already too HOT to do it in the daytime now.
As for the rest of the week... it is busy. We plan to redeem the time and get a lot accomplished at home and at church. We are hoping to also get in a relaxing trip to the beach on Thursday.
Have a good week:)
Hope you get lots done.
things are going to busy here too. We have a group coming from our home church and they arrived next wednesday, so there are lots of cleaning, making room for them and planning to make the trip a success. Pray for us.
Glad everyone is better. Noelia seems to be picking up. Tonight was the very first time that she ate something, she hadn´t since thrusday, just drinks....
I'm Loving all your updatess....maybe I should try it myself! LOL! I'm hoping to give you a call this week, when is a time you're anticipating not being busy? Let me know and could you message me your new phone number. Thanks! Hope you have a glorious day!
Enjoy your week and God bless.
Hope you have had a good week. I just came around to reading this. Hope you were able to do all you had set out to do.
Me well, I had some good accomplishments and some lazy moments. ;)
Hope you have a lovely ladies meeting. We are planning a coffee and chat time for our neighbor ladies. Praying they come.
Have a great day in Jesus!
BTW.. Love your new blog look!
FLIP FLOPS How clever! so fun!!
wanna go to the beach!
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